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TOP TIPS: Get fit this summer

Last updated on: May 6, 2013 16:45 IST

Image: Make a fitness plan. Set goals and stick to them
Photographs: Iveto/Wikimedia Creative Commons Brinda Sapat

Brinda Sapat on simple dos and don'ts to lose weight and get into shape in the months to come

The hot months are the easiest times to lose weight, get fit and bikini ready!

These dos and don'ts will guide you through.

DO: Make a fitness plan

Set a fitness goal for summer. It's easy to get significant results in 3 months.

DON'T: Get lethargic

The heat can put you off making the effort to exercise or step out on errands. Push yourself!

TOP TIPS: Get fit this summer

Image: Take up a new workout, like kickboxing for instance
Photographs: Rediff Archives

DO: Try a new form of exercise 

Switching the kind of exercise you are doing revs up the metabolism, making you burn fat faster. It's the perfect time to hit the pool!

DON'T: Eat heavy foods

Rich, oily, fried and sweet foods add to the heat, making you feel drained rather than energised.

Tags: DON

TOP TIPS: Get fit this summer

Image: Do not exercise at the hottest time of the day
Photographs: Mike Baird from Morro Bay, USA/ Commons

DO: Keep Moving

The heat can wear you down, but make a conscious effort to staying active.

DON'T: Exercise at the hottest time of the day

Working out in very hot conditions cause fatigue making it unable to exercise effectively. Pick a cooler hour.

Tags: DON

TOP TIPS: Get fit this summer

Image: Eat light but eat well
Photographs: Courtesy

DO: Eat light

Fresh salads, cool juices, chilled soups, low fat yoghurts, barbequed food are irresistible and low in fat. Perfect for getting fit!

DON'T: Drink sweetened aerated drinks

These drinks contain nothing of nutritional value. If you crave a carbonated beverage, have a club soda flavoured with fresh juice.

Tags: DON

TOP TIPS: Get fit this summer

Image: Drink water. Lots of it.
Photographs: Marcos Brindicci/Reuters

DO: Drink Water

Make up for all the water lost through sweat. Drink approximately eight glasses of water a day.

DON'T: Eat a big dinner.

Keeping you dinner light is always better for digestion and weight loss. Your body doesn't need that many calories to give you a good night's sleep. Amp up the proteins and salad and include a tiny quantity of carbs.

Tags: DON

TOP TIPS: Get fit this summer

Image: A new wardrobe can work wonders for your morale
Photographs: Reuben NV/

DO: Keep it simple

An easy to follow workout routine and diet are much easier to stick to and time efficient.

DO: Make changes to your wardrobe

Buying a couple of new clothes might be just the motivation you need!
