What are you afraid of? We list out some of the wierdest phobias and ask you to identify them.
Everyone has phobias -- some of us are afraid of darkness, some of speaking in public, some of heights and some of us are afraid of water. Fear of homosexuals is called homophobia; fear of heights is acrophobia; fear of the English culture is Anglophobia.
But do you know what arachnophobia means or just what on earth could hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia be?
In the pages to follow we test you on these very phobias and much more.
Afraid of taking this test? That'd be testophobia!
What is Arachnophobia?
What is Arachnophobia?
1) Fear of spiders.
2) Fear of traffic.
3) Fear of animals.
The correct answer is Fear of spiders.
Fear of spiders.
What is Barophobia?
What is Barophobia?
1) Fear of turkey.
2) Fear of bars.
3) Fear of gravity.
The correct answer is Fear of gravity.
Fear of gravity.
What is Chronophobia?
What is Chronophobia?
1) Fear of death.
2) Fear of time.
3) Fear of love.
The correct answer is Fear of time.
Fear of time.
What is Doxophobia?
What is Doxophobia?
1) Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.
2) Fear of talking.
3) Fear of listening.
The correct answer is Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.
Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.
What is Euphobia?
What is Euphobia?
1) Fear of Europe.
2) Fear of hearing good news.
3) Fear of eulogising someone.
The correct answer is Fear of hearing good news.
Fear of hearing good news.
What is Gerascophobia?
What is Gerascophobia?
1) Fear of gregarious people.
2) Fear of growing old.
3) Fear of a gyroscope.
The correct answer is Fear of growing old.
Fear of growing old.
What is Hadephobia?
What is Hadephobia?
1) Fear of hell.
2) Fear of heads.
3) Fear of water.
The correct answer is Fear of hell.
Fear of hell.
What is Kleptophobia?
What is Kleptophobia?
1) There is nothing such as Kleptophobia.
2) Fear of stealing stolen objects.
3) Fear of stealing.
The correct answer is Fear of stealing.
Fear of stealing.
What is Logizomechanophobia?
1) Fear of log books
2) Fear of computers.
3) Fear of wooden logs
The correct answer is Fear of computers.
Fear of computers.
What is Motorphobia?
What is Motorphobia?
1) Fear of all motorised machines.
2) Fear of automobiles.
3) None of the above.
The correct answer is Fear of automobiles.
Fear of automobiles.
What is Octophobia?
What is Octophobia?
1) Fear of the figure 8.
2) Fear of Octopuses.
3) None of the above.
The correct answer is Fear of the figure 8.
Fear of the figure 8.
What is Papaphobia?
What is Papaphobia?
1) Fear of the Pope.
2) Fear of one's father.
3) Fear of paper.
The correct answer is Fear of the Pope.
Fear of the Pope.
What is Rupophobia
What is Rupophobia
1) Fear of Life.
2) There is nothing such as rupophobia.
3) Fear of dirt.
The correct answer is Fear of dirt.
Fear of dirt.
What is Sexophobia?
What is Sexophobia?
1) Fear of having sex
2) Fear of the opposite sex.
3) Fear of getting raped.
The correct answer is Fear of the opposite sex.
Fear of the opposite sex.
What is hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia?
What is hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia?
1) Fear of hippopotamus.
2) Fear of long words.
3) None of the above.
The correct answer is Fear of long words.
Fear of long words.