Photographs: Hitesh Harisinghani Abhishek Mande
News television's favourite motormouth tells you just how he climbed the ladder of social success.
For many of us Suhel Seth is the guy on our television screens who will talk on any topic under the sun. He's there practically every other evening and ensures that he is heard.
Heck if small screen wasn't enough, Seth has also made his way to Bollywood where he's made bit appearances -- as someone's father in one movie or a doctor in another.
And yet, if you were to ask those who watch him on television or films what Seth does for a living, I suspect very few of them would really know.
Seth wears many hats. He's an ad man, brand manager of sorts, serves on the boards of various government committees as well as private companies and counts among his friends Nita and Mukesh Ambani, Vijay Mallya, Shobhaa and Dilip De, Sabina and Anil Chopra among hundreds of others.
Some of these friends made their way to Seth's recent book launch in Mumbai's Taj Mahal hotel. The Des were there as was journalist Malavika Sangghvi and Pritish Nandy. Then there was Queenie Singh who insisted that Seth join her for her birthday party later this month.
Suhel Seth of course was right there in the middle of it all, enjoying the attention and never once letting go of his poison -- vodka soda.
This is Seth's third book and is a far cry from his first two: In Your Face is a collection of his columns and Kalighat to Calcutta co-authored with Khushwant Singh and R K Laxman.
Get to the Top: The Ten Rules For Social Success is something of a self-help title that lists out dos and don'ts for climbing the social ladder.
Prioritise your party list
'Life isn't about being interested in things it is about being involved in them'
Seth also talked about being interesting. Who, he asked, would you rather be with -- someone who's interesting or someone who's bright?
"Don't be a bore. It is the greatest social crime you can commit," he says, "You aren't successful if you're bright. You're successful if you're interesting!"
Watch Seth talk about being interesting and intelligent here!
Then he went on to talk about how he takes holidays every few months and makes sure he lives his life to the fullest -- something he says not a lot of people do.
"Life, he declares at the end of the passage, isn't about being interested in things it is about being involved in them."
In all honesty, none of what Seth read out was out of the ordinary. Yet in some way it was interesting -- partly because of the smart one-liners that Seth is so good at coming up with and partly because it came from a man who's done it himself and done it well.
Get to the Top is published by Random House, India and is available on Rediff Books for Rs 250.
On Reddiff iShare: Suhel Seth talks about being interesting and intelligent.
Video: Hitesh Harisinghani