In response to our invitation asking readers to send in photos and write-ups on their favourite fashion accessories, 21-year-old Mumbaiite Tanyushka Khariwala sent in photos of herself wearing some of her favourite things! Here's what she has to say about them:
I love keeping up with the latest trends, and am an absolute, die-hard shopaholic -- but there's a few things in everyone's wardrobe that they are especially fond of, and the same goes for me! It's been especially hard to pick out just five garments and accessories that I love, but after a lot of debate, I zeroed in on the following:
In this first photograph I'm wearing my favourite pair of capris -- they give a great fit, and they're very much in fashion this season. Of course they're white, so I've retired them for the rains. You get these kind of capris pretty much everywhere in Mumbai -- at the small shops on Hill Road and Linking Road in Bandra, in department stores like Westside and Globus, and at exclusive high-end stores like Mango and Promod. It doesn't matter where you buy them from, as long as they give you a good fit!
Text, photographs: Tanyushka Khariwala
Do you want to see your favourite accessories on If so, mail at least five photographs of your favourite accessories, along with a brief description of each, where you got them and how much you paid for them, to Make sure to include your name, age, occupation, and contact details, and we'll feature the best entries!