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5 jobs where women earn more than men

Last updated on: June 30, 2014 13:54 IST

Image: The corporate world is offering more earning opportunities for women professionals.
Photographs: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters Saurabh Tyagi,

It may be hard to believe but there are professions where women professionals earn 148 per cent more than their male counterparts.

And these are not necessarily female-dominated industries.

Read on to find out more...

The trend of women being the main bread winner of the family is certainly catching up all over the world.

Research by think-tank IPPR has revealed that about UK mothers, while the Pew Research Center also confirmed this fact about the moms in the United States.

The change reflects evolving family dynamics.

For one, the male-dominated corporate world is now more willing to accept women to join the workforce.

Further, single women raising children on their own is becoming a common sight.

But with even more women settling in the role of family breadwinner, the gender pay gap still exists in most but some jobs.

However, what is more surprising is that women earn more than men in several male-dominated jobs.

According to researchers, women who choose an all-male bastion such as construction supervisor or aircraft mechanic are likely to be perceived as "atypical" and less stereotypical.

Such women are likely highly skilled and thus end up earning better salaries.

Then there are few-female dominated education and healthcare occupations where women may have achieved higher wages due to seniority.

If you, as a woman, want to follow the money, here are the top five jobs where you will earn better than your man.

Saurabh Tyagi is a career expert at

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Image: Women baking professionals earn 104 per cent more than men.
Photographs: Hitesh Harisinghani/

Although many consider 'baking' a feminine job, that doesn't take away anything from women, who earn a whopping 104 per cent more than men in this job.

Female bakers earn weekly average salary of $466 against men's $448.

Most of these bakers work at big commercial bakeries, chips plants or your local bakery.

There are others who find employment at restaurants, hotels and specialty stores.

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Image: Female models earn 148.8 per cent more than their male counterparts.
Photographs: Hitesh Harisinghani/

The worldwide obsession with beauty has certainly done some benefit to the members of fair sex.

As per the data offered by, female models earn a median salary of $41,300, which is 148.8 per cent more than male models.

Rankings from the Forbes magazine also confirm the fact that male models are earning a fraction in annual salary when compare to their female counterparts. 

According to the Forbes magazine ranking, while the 10 top-earning male models earned a combined total of $8 million from Sept 2012 to Sept 2013, 10 top-earning female models raked in 10 times more at $83 million.

The men's clothing industry is worth $400 billion globally, while women's clothing industry worldwide is worth about $621 billion, clearly illustrating the difference.

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Image: Women auditors receive 13 per cent higher salaries than men do.
Photographs: Reuters

Female auditors have an average reported salary of $61,114, which is 13 per cent more than men, as per the data compiled by a well-known salary data site.

Females are generally considered better money managers, and are equipped with a greater ability to negotiate which is a priceless asset in any finance career.

Female traits such as risk aversion and attention to detail also work in their favour.

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Real estate

Image: When it comes to real estate, female agents are paid better than their male colleagues.
Photographs: Brian Synder/Reuters

A surprise entry for many, but according a report, female real estate agents earns an average salary of $42,156, which is $2,000 more than what men real estate agents earn.

According to Sean Salter, associate professor of finance at Middle Tennessee State University, beauty pays off while selling real estate.

The professor along with his co-researchers asked 402 people to rate agents, male as well as female, on a scale of 1 to 10, based on their online head shots.

A background check on the agent's performance of past seven years revealed that every one point increment in the attractiveness score added $10, 989 to the home's list price.

No wonder, everyone would be willing to pay extra to hire an attractive female real estate agent.

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Retail Buyers

Image: Women retail buyers earn 108 per cent better than their male co-workers.
Photographs: Arko Datta/Reuters

Not too surprisingly, female retail buyers out-earn their male counterparts by a long margin.

According to the latest Bureau of Labour Statistics' survey, female buyers, who purchase item for retailers' inventory, earn 108 percent of what men do.

The average salary figure for women in this role is $63, 848.

For those who have little clue about the roles of retail buyers, they are responsible for planning and selecting products to sell in retail outlets.

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