Interested in a career in Medicine?


July 01, 2008 16:39 IST

What: The Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, Tamil Nadu invites applications for admission to BSMS/ BAMS/ BNYS/ BUMS/ BHMS courses for 2008-2009 in Government and Self financing Medical Colleges in Tamil Nadu from the candidates passed in Higher Secondary Courses.

Application details
~ Application Form and Prospectus for BSMS / BAMS / BNYS / BUMS / BHMS Courses will be available from till July 18, 2008 from the following Government Medical Colleges.

  • The Principal, Govt Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli, District.
  • The Principal, Govt Siddha Medical College, Chennai -106.
  • The Principal, Govt Unani Medical College, Chennai -106.
  • The Nodal Officer, Government Yoga and Naturopathy Medical College, Chennai -106.
  • The Principal, Govt Homoeopathy Medical College, Thirumangalam, Madurai District

Application forms and prospectus will not be issued from the Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy and office of the Selection Committee, Arumbakkam, Chennai-106.

~ Candidates can obtain the application either in person or by post on written requisition to the Principal of the above Government Colleges duly enclosing a Crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, Payable at Chennai obtained from any one of the Nationalised Banks on or after June 25, 2008.

~ Cost of application:

  • Common application form for BSMS / BAMS / BNYS / BUMS / BHMS - Rs 500/-
  • Application form for each special category - Rs 100/-

If the application is required to be sent by post ordinary postal stamp to the value of Rs 70/- (Rupees Seventy only) should be enclosed along with the requisition. SC/ST candidates have to produce a Xerox copy of the Community Certificate along with the written requisition. Delay on the part of Postal Department will not be considered.

SC/ST candidates are exempted from paying the cost of application fee. They can obtain application on written requisition duly enclosing attested Xerox copy of the Community Certificate. They can obtain the application form by post duly enclosing postal stamp to the value of Rs 70/- (Rupees Seventy only).

Special Categories:

  • Physically Handicapped
  • Children of Freedom fighters
  • Children of Ex service men
  • Eminent Sports person
  • Government of India nominee
  • Heirs of Registered Indian Medicine Practitioners
  • Candidates who has studied Siddha as a special subject

Candidates applying under Special Category should submit the Special Category application along with common application form for each Special Category subject to the maximum of Three Special Categories.

Candidates applying under Sports Category should submit the applications with necessary documents in person at the office of the Selection Committee, Chennai -106. Without required documents, their claim will not be considered under any circumstances.

The last date for the issue of application July 18, 2008 upto 3 pm.

~ Completed application with all necessary enclosures should be delivered to the below address duly superscribed as Application for Admission to BSMS / BAMS / BUMS / BHMS / BNYS course 2008-2009.

Applications received after the last date and time will not be accepted irrespective of the date of booking.

~ The last date for receipt of filled in application with all enclosures to the course is 5 pm on July 21, 2008.

~ The application and prospectus can also be had through the following web site and submitted by enclosing a Demand Draft as mentioned above.

Applications received after the prescribed date and time will not be considered under any circumstances.

The Secretary,
Selection Committee,
Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy,
Arignar Anna Government Hospital of Indian Medicine Campus,
Arumbakkam, Chennai 600 106

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