Want to do research in biotechnology?


September 04, 2007 17:43 IST

What: Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the award of "DBT-Postdoctoral Fellowship" for Biotechnology and applied biology.


~ The fellowship is tenable in Research Institutions/Universities including non-profit R&D Institutions within India. The fellowships are awarded under a program sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.

~ The Postdoctoral fellowship is a purely temporary assignment and is tenable for a maximum period of two years. In exceptional cases, depending upon the progress of the research, the fellowship may be extended upto five years. Each fellow would be entitled to a stipend in the range of Rs 11,000 - 12,000 per month and a research contingency grant of Rs 50,000 per year, payable to the host institution. Candidates who are yet to be awarded the PhD/MD/MS degree, if selected, will be paid Rs 10,000 per month till the award of the degree.

~ The fellows would also be entitled to HRA and other benefits as per the DST guidelines applicable to research fellowship/ associateships. The fellowships cannot be availed at the same institution where the candidates have earned their PhD/MD degree. Candidates who are already in regular employment cannot avail the fellowship at their host institutions. However, there will be no restriction on them to receive the salary and other benefits while availing the fellowship in institutions other than their parent institutions.


~ The applicants should hold a PhD degree in Science, Engineering or MD or MS degree in any area of medicine with research interests in Biotechnology and Life Sciences and a good academic record.

~ Those who have already submitted the PhD/MD/MS, thesis are also eligible to apply.

~ The applicants should preferably be below the age of 40 years, and 45 years in case of women candidates. Persons already employed are also eligible to apply. However, their applications should be routed through their employers.

 Mode of Application

~ Candidates may submit their application on plain paper along with bio-data, list of publications (attach reprints of two important papers), copies of certificates (BSc, MSc, PhD/MD), one page synopsis of PhD/MD thesis, two letters of recommendation (academic). The applicant is advised to propose his/her place of work, name of the supervisor, enclose one page synopsis of proposed research which must be compatible with the on-going research of the proposed supervisor, and his/her consent, for availing the fellowship. They should also enclose a declaration stating that if selected for the fellowship, he/she will complete the tenure of the fellowship. However, they may be allowed to relinquish the fellowship only if accepting permanent employment in India. Those who had applied previously need not apply.

Mode of Selection

~ The candidates will be selected based on their CV and performance in the interview. The interview will be held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, during November 2007, and candidates called for interview will be paid II class railway (non-AC)/bus fare by the shortest route from their home town. If the candidate accepts the fellowship, he/she must join the host Institution/University within a month`s time.

~ The last date for submission of form: 5th October, 2007 and the envelope should clearly be marked as "DBT-Postdoctoral Research Fellowship".


Indian Institute of Science Campus
Bangalore-560 012
Tel: 91 - 080 - 23442779, 23460622, 22932982
Fax: 91 - 080 - 23314314
Website: https://sid.iisc.ernet.in/
Email: sid@csic.iisc.ernet.in

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