What: The Government of India's Department of Biotechnology offers Assocatiateship for Young Scientists 2007-2008
~ Training in Niche Areas of Biotechnology 2007-08
(i) Medical genetics
(ii) stem cell research
(iii) nano-biotechnology
(iv) transgenic animal models
(v) agriculture biotechnology
(vi) bioengineering: tissue engineering, biosensors, biomaterials, medical devices, and implants
(vii) Bioenergy/energy bioscience
Who can apply?
~ Applicant should possess a PhD/MD degree in the area related to life sciences / biotechnology or medicine with an excellent record of research contribution in his/her field of research.
~ They should hold regular/ permanent positions in Government recognised research and academic institutions / universities and should be actively engaged in research in the above areas.
~ Applications from persons working on temporary positions such as research fellows or associates etc. will not be considered.
Details of the Award
~ Duration of the Award: The duration of the award would be for a period of two months to one year, the applicant would indicate the duration. However, no award would be considered for more than one year. Applications will be considered by the Department purely on the merit of the case and the decision of the Department will be final,
~ Emoluments: The associates would be entitled to (a) Monthly Associateship of $2400 or its equivalent in the country of study; (b) Preparatory allowance of Rs 12000 (one time grant); (c) Cost of air passage in economy class by Air India for joining the overseas laboratory and back.
~ The Selected candidates may receive the payment of salary and continuance of other service benefits by the institutions to which they belong. However, no liability on any of this account will be borne by DBT.
~ Execution of bond: Selected candidates shall be required to execute a Service Bond to serve in India after their return to India for a period of 3 years.
Enclosures Required
~ A note on the nature of research proposed in the priority area mentioned in Para 1 above.
~ Letter from head of institution stating the significance of the training bringing out how the training will benefit the institution and the country.
~ Details of the institution where training is sought.
~ Applicant's research publication record for the last three years (provide journal impact factor).
Age Limit
~ The applicant should be below 40 years of age as on 15 November, 2007. Candidates should not have crossed the prescribed age limit as on the last date for receipt of applications. The prescribed age limit will not be relaxed.
How to apply?
Candidates should submit their application through email (only one hard copy typed on plain paper) complete with enclosures in the format through Proper Channel to the INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION DIVISION, SPECIALISED TRAINING IN NICHE AREAS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY: 2007-08 ( ATTENTION: DR. SHAILJA VAIDYA GUPTA, JOINT DIRECTOR), DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, BLOCK-2, 6th FLOOR, CGO COMPLEX, LODI ROAD, NEW DELHI 110 003, Email : shailja@dbt.nic.in on or before 15th November, 2007.
Government of India
Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
Web site: https://dbtindia.nic.in