What: Applications are invited from Indian nationals for nominations from India for the award of Commonwealth Scholarship tenable in the United Kingdom from October 2008.
Up to 60 (35 for Master's degree course/ six-month clinical training and 25 for PhD course and 1-year research on split-site basis) nominations are to be sent to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission for final selection to be made by them.
Level of course
(1) Six-month clinical training/ research/ specialisation in
1. Cancer Research
2. Cardiology (including Cardiac Surgery)
3. Gynaecology
4. Medicine
5. Dentistry
(2) (i) One-year taught master's courses or equivalent degree (ii) Three-year doctoral degree (iii) One-year research on a split-site basis, towards a PhD registered at a university in home country:
1. Electronics
2. Environmental Studies
3. Remote Sensing Technology
4. Communication Engineering
5. Biotechnology or Biochemical Engineering
6. Robotics (including Artificial Intelligence)
7. Mathematics
8. Molecular Biology
9. Physics
10. Chemistry (including Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry)
11. Agronomy & Forestry
12. Sociology
13. Management Studies
14. Economics
15. Psychology
16. Computer Applications
17. Law
18. English (Literature/Linguistics)
19. History
21. Political Science with International Relations
How: Desirous candidates may apply for the above scholarships in the prescribed format and send to
Section Officer,
ES.4 Section,
Department of Higher Education,
A-2/W-4, CR Barracks,
K G Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Last date for applications is 5 November 2007 (5.30pm).
Before applying for this scholarship, candidates are requested to see eligibility criteria, educational qualification, terms and conditions and detailed format/ contents from the department's website: https://www.education.nic.in/ or https://www.sakshat.ac.in/.
Candidates can download the application format from the above website and send application either online or by post. No application forms are being supplied by the Department.
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