What: Applications are invited to the Charles Wallace India Trust Scholarships 2007-2008.
~ The awards are managed through the British Council and concentrate primarily on the arts and humanities.
~ The awards are for the following areas:
- Visual and performing arts
- Architectural and materials conservation
- Museum studies and curatorship
- English studies
- Humanities
- Journalism
~ Nature of awards
- Fully funded awards with stipend, international travel and fees.
- Partial awards with grants-in-aid towards fees or maintenance costs.
~ For more information, visit https://www.britishcouncil.org/india-scholarships-cwit.htm.
Are you eligible?
~ You must be an Indian citizen, domiciled and resident in India.
~ You must be between 25 and 48 years old.
~ You must have good working knowledge of English.
~ Your first degree/diploma must be in the area of your specialisation.
~ You must not to have received CWIT grant within the last 5 years.
Important date
~ Please send in your application form before October 31.
How to apply
~ For application forms and further information, visit https://www.britishcouncil.org/india-scholarships-cwit.htm.
e-mail: cwit@in.britishcouncil.org
Web site: https://www.britishcouncil.org.in/