What: The N L Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research invites applications for its Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management.
Are you qualified?~ You must have a three-year bachelor's degree or its equivalent in any discipline recognised by the Association of Indian Universities or AICTE.
~ You can also apply if you are appearing for your final year examinations. Selection process
~ You must have appeared for the Common Admission Test conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management and provide a valid CAT score.
How to apply
~ Please collect the application forms from the institute's office between 10 am and 6 pm.
~ You could also download it and post the completed form to the institute.
~ You may also collect the application form from IMS Centres and professional tutorial centres across India.
Sector 1, Srishti
Mira Road East
Mumbai -- 401 104
Phone: (022) 28454949, 28453982
e-mail: admissions@nldalmiamgmt.org
Web site: www.nldalmiamgmt.org
The last date to submit application form is May 15.