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You went through a thorough scrutiny by your party's central election commission?
Certainly. A scrutinisation process, a screening process, everything.

So who gave you the happy news?
I saw it on television.

No one called you and told you?
My mother, father, all saw it on television. Then my father called me and he gave me the good news, if you can call it that.

What were your feelings when you heard you have been nominated? Were you ecstatic?
Honestly, I felt there was a big challenge ahead. But I really felt assured that Sonia Gandhi and the Congress party have chosen so many young candidates. My candidature was announced along with Rahul Gandhi's so it felt good that an opportunity has been given to the youth to the highest body in the land. Parliament is as high as it gets. So it was a good feeling.

You know, we young people want to make changes, people want to see a young face.

Also see: Mega Bus

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