There are huge differences in working conditions around the world, including India. While in some countries, workers have low income taxes, in others the retirement age is flexible.
Let's have a look at the working conditions around the world, according to CNBC.
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Working conditions around the world
Image: A view of Mumbai.Per capita income: $3,100
National income tax range: 0-30 per cent
Statutory retirement age: 58
Weekly working hours: N/A
Total vacation days: 28
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Working conditions around the world
Image: New York City.The United States
National income tax range: 10-35 per cent
Statutory retirement age: 65
Weekly working hours: 33.8
Total vacation days: 25
Working conditions around the world
Image: Berlin.Per capita income: $34,200
National income tax range: 0-45 per cent
Statutory retirement age: 65
Weekly working hours: 35.5
Total vacation days: 30
Working conditions around the world
Image: Shanghai.Per capita income: $6,500
National income tax range: 5-45 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 60/50
Weekly working hours: 44
Total vacation days: 21
Working conditions around the world
Image: Toronto.Per capita income: $38,400
National income tax range: 15-29 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 65
Weekly working hours: 36.5
Total vacation days: 19
Working conditions around the world
Image: London.The United Kingdom
National income tax range: 20-40 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 60/55
Weekly working hours: 37
Total vacation days: 36
Working conditions around the world
Image: Copenhagen.Per capita income: $36,200
National income tax range: 5.48-26.48 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 65
Weekly working hours: 35.2
Total vacation days: 34
Working conditions around the world
Image: Dublin.Per capita income: $42,200
National income tax range: 20-41 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 66
Weekly working hours: 36
Total vacation days: 29
Working conditions around the world
Image: Singapore.Per capita income: $50,300
National income tax range: 3.5-20 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 55
Weekly working hours: 46
Total vacation days: 25
Working conditions around the world
Image: Madrid.Per capita income: $33,700
National income tax range: 15.66-27.13 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 65
Weekly working hours: 39.2
Total vacation days: 36
Working conditions around the world
Image: Reykjavik.Per capita income: $39,800
National income tax range: 0-37.2 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 67
Weekly working hours: 41.1
Total vacation days: 27
Working conditions around the world
Image: Warsaw.Per capita income: $17,800
National income tax range: 19-40 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 65/60
Weekly working hours: 41.1
Total vacation days: 36
Working conditions around the world
Image: Moscow.Per capita income: $15,200
National income tax range: 13 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 60/55
Weekly working hours: N/A
Total vacation days: 40
Working conditions around the world
Image: Lisbon.Per capita income: $21,700
National income tax range: 10.5-42 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 65
Weekly working hours: 39
Total vacation days: 35
Working conditions around the world
Image: Tokyo.Per capita income: $32,600
National income tax range: 5-40 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 65
Weekly working hours: N/A
Total vacation days: 36
Working conditions around the world
Image: Melbourne.Per capita income: $38,500
National income tax range: 0-45 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 65/62.5
Weekly working hours: 36.6
Total vacation days: 28
Working conditions around the world
Image: Brasilia.Per capita income: $10,200
National income tax range: 0-27.5 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 65/60
Weekly working hours: N/A
Total vacation days: 41
Working conditions around the world
Image: Milan.Per capita income: $30,200
National income tax range: 23-43 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 65/60
Weekly working hours: 38.3
Total vacation days: 31
Working conditions around the world
Image: Helsinki.Per capita income: $34,900
National income tax range: 0-31.5 per cent
Statutory retirement age (men and women): 59
Weekly working hours: 37.6
Total vacation days: 40