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Uddhav Thakeray contradicts father on Sania
By Ganesh Kumar
April 03, 2010 19:17 IST

Clearly contradicting his father's stand on Tennis player Sania Mirza marrying Shoaib Malik, Uddhav Thackeray on Saturday said that it was the tennis player's personal decision to marry Shoaib.

On Saturday, Shiv Sena executive president Uddhav Thackeray sang a completely contradictory tune to what his father had written on Friday.

Asked about Sania's marriage to Shoaib, Uddhav said, "It is her (Sania) personal life, and she has a right to make her own decisions."

When pressed further about the Sena chief's editorial, which had criticised Sania for the same, Uddhav said that the chapter was closed for them (the Sena) and whatever was to be said was already said in the party mouth piece.

This is in complete contrast to a statement in Saamna attributed to Sena chief Bal Thackeray. On Friday, Thackeray Sr had questioned Sania's decision to marry the Pakistani cricketer and still play for India. "If she had an Indian heart, it wouldn't have beaten for a Pakistani," said the Sena chief.

Thackeray had also mocked the Sania's family for saying that she would continue to play for India after marriage by saying that since she has married a Pakistani she would herself be a Pakistani national. "If she wished to play for India she would have married an Indian," said the Sena chief. Questioning Sania's achievements Thackeray further said that people did not pay attention to her in the court for her style of play but mainly because of her 'tight clothes, fashion and love affairs'.

Further ridiculing her choice of Shoaib as a husband, Thackeray said, "Shoaib had many affairs in India and has promised many girls that he would marry them."

Ganesh Kumar Mumbai
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