India has a sizeable population of Sunni Muslims, and the Intelligence Bureau fears more young men will be drawn to the ISIS. Vicky Nanjappa/ reports.
Recent revelations about young Indians proclaiming their support for ISIS, demonstrating pride in their Sunni antecedents, and posing with ISIS T-shirts are instances of its appeal, IB agents say.
What sets the ISIS apart from other terror outfits like Al Qaeda, Hamas, Lashkar-e-Tayiba or the Taliban is its global agenda, the IB agents say.
While other terrorist organisations fight area-specific battles -- the Hamas in Palestine; the Lashkar in Kashmir and other parts of India; the Taliban in Afghanistan; and Al Qaeda in various parts of the world -- the ISIS began its battle in Syria and Iraq, but has attracted a large number of Muslim youth from across the world by declaring that its final goal is a Global Islamic Council.
Of its 8,000-strong force, 3,000 are from Britain.
The ISIS wants to impose Sharia law and have also declared war on the Shias. India has a sizeable population of Sunni Muslims, and the Intelligence Bureau fears more young men will be drawn to the ISIS.
Image: ISIS fighters parade their weapons. Photograph: Reuters