The Vishwa Hindu Parishad on Monday urged the Hindus to mobilise the opinion of the community, put pressure and demand that Parliament pass a legislation to construct the Lord Rama temple at Ram Janmabhoomi at Ayodhya.
Launching the four-month long awakening programme under the banner of Hanuman Shakti Jagran Samithi, VHP International President Ashok Singal said, "Courts cannot resolve the pending Ram Janmabhoomi issue. It cannot satisfy the entire country."
"There may be lot of violence. But we do not know. There may be lot of conflict in the country... The only other course open is that Indian Parliament unanimously pass a legislation to construct the Ram Janmabhoomi temple which would avoid any confusion," he added.
By September this year, the judgement is expected. A small piece of land, less than one acre is the disputed area. In 1992, when the entire structure was demolished, then Indian President had asked a core question whether there was any structure at the area before the construction of the mosque or was it virgin land, he said.
The Archaelogical Survey of India has said there was a huge temple which was demolished and the area was not virgin land. '
"We do not know what the court was going to decide. The entire Hindu community, which does not know its strength, should awaken. We are a peaceful society, but do not know our strength," he said.
"The Muslim community also wants peace. But the community has been hijacked by jihadis. Whatever the jihadis want, they fulfill their wishes through violence. The church is also believing in the same way," he alleged adding there are 'jihadi Christians also.
"Bible and Rifle are going together in the North East," Singhal alleged.
The Hindus do not believe in violence. For 60 years, the Hindu community has been waiting with patience for the judgment on the temple issue, he pointed out.
Pointing that the Ram Sethu issue was resolved only because there was a mass mobilisation of the Hindu community in the country to save 'Ram Sethu, Singhal said.
"We could also protect the lands taken away by the Kashmir government from Amarnath shrine board," he said.
In the same way, the Ram Temple issue 'will be resolved through massive assertion of Hindus and once the sadhus give a call we have to awaken the Hindu society by Hanuman Sakthi Jagran... I am very sure, Parliament will come with an act and work will begin by 2011 or early 2012," he said
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