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Sudipta's death: 'Is this the change Bengal had sought'
By Indrani Roy
April 04, 2013

Writer Nabaneeta Dev Sen reacts to Student’s Federation of India Sudipto Gupta’s death

I am shocked and dumbfounded.

Having taught young people for years, I am used to seeing passion and fervour in their eyes. I am not used to seeing such untimely deaths.

Students’ Federation of India leader Sudipto Gupta’s death shook our very existence.

Where are we heading to? I feel so very uncertain about our future.

I have seen Sudipto’s photographs in newspapers and on television. His eyes were so kind and gentle.

He could have been my grandson, son, nephew or my student. I would have loved to have him as a family member.

Is this the poriborton (change) Bengal had sought? Will this violence ever end?

I appeal to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to initiate a probe at the earliest and bring the offenders to book. That is the minimum respect one can pay to Sudipto’s soul.

My heart goes out to his family members.

I just pray that we don’t lose such dynamic young minds to dirty politics.

As told to Indrani Roy

Indrani Roy
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