A young male tiger that strayed out of Panna tiger reserve in Madhya Pradesh is keeping the wildlife officials on their toes for the past 20 days. Though it has been localised in the forests of the Sagar district, a team of 70 personnel including Wildlife Institute of India experts, forest guards and senior officials from the state forest department are keeping their fingers crossed about its whereabouts now. "
They have put up around 3 km long white cloth on the boundaries of the forest as a deterrent measure and released some animals (as prey) to ensure that the animal remains within the range till it is trapped," MP Chief Wildlife Warden R S Negi told PTI. The personnel are searching for the tiger with antennae to receive signals about its presence from the very high frequency system on the radio-collar around its neck. "Fall in temperature to 12 degrees Celsius during night has made our men's task all the more difficult. Their food and daily needs are being taken care of at the possible extent. We pray that the feline should not enter human habitat or attack anyone," P R Sinha, director of the WII, added.
Officials feel that the animal which is exhibiting strong "homing instinct", could be trying to move to its original home in Pench Tiger Reserve 300 km away, from where it was brought nearly a month ago.