The Chandigarh Administration has ordered a probe against the school which had expelled Ruchika Girhotra after her molestation by former Haryana Director General of Police S P S Rathore. The probe, ordered by Education Secretary Ram Niwas, has been initiated to ascertain the causes which led to the expulsion of then 14-year old Ruchika, official sources said in Chandigarh on Monday.
"We have instituted an inquiry. Sub Divisional Magistrate Prerna Puri has been made the inquiry officer. It will be time bound probe and we have asked her to complete the task within a week's time," Niwas said. He said though it was a very old case and most of the principals and members of the management have changed, "but still we have been able to dig out some circumstantial evidence. We will be able to place whatever material is available on record before the public".
Madhu Parkash, mother of Aradhana, a friend of Ruchika, who has been pursuing the case, had filed a complaint with the Chandigarh Administration against the local convent institution Sacred Heart School alleging harassment to the girl as Rathore's daughter was also a student of the same class. Though the school did not offer any comment, sources said the expulsion was ordered about 19 years ago by the then management, which has changed many times over the years, and the present school authorities have no clue to the reasons which resulted in the expulsion of Ruchika.
Rathore a 1965 batch IPS officer of Haryana, who retired in 2002, was awarded a six months jail term by a Central Bureau of Investigation court in Chnadigarh last week for molesting Ruchika, a budding tennis player in 1990 when he was an IGP. Ruchika died on this day in 1993 after consuming poison.
Molestation case: Ruchika's father speaks up
'It's shameful that Rathod is still a free man'
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