In a letter written to Defence Minister A K Antony and Karnataka Chief Minister Jagdish Shettar, Katju said that if there is no evidence against Mirza, he should be reinstated and given adequate compensation, besides an open apology by central and state governments.
"I would request you to look into this matter immediately, and if it is true that there is no evidence against Aijaz Ahmed Mirza, he should be reinstated forthwith on the post he was holding before he was sacked, otherwise a wrong message will be sent throughout the country that Muslims are terrorists and are fair game for being persecuted and victimised by the communal forces," the PCI Chief said in his letter.
Katju said that he had already issued a press note criticising the false implication of Muslims in bomb blast cases. He also said that Mirza had in a TV interview said that he was tortured and made to suffer indignities in jail.
"Hence I request you to ensure that apart from reinstating him, adequate compensation is awarded to him by the central and state government and an open apology is issued by Central and State governments to Aijaz Ahmed," Katju said.