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Read the full report by Justice Verma on sexual offences
January 25, 2013 14:57 IST

The Justice J S Verma committee, set up to recommend measures to improve laws dealing with sexual offences, had received around 80,000 suggestions and wrapped up its work within 29 days.

Verma, the head of the three-member panel, was approached by the Central government for the task on December 23, 2012. The other members of the panel are former Himachal Pradesh Chief Justice Leila Seth and former Solicitor General Gopal Subramaniam.

"We have submitted the report in 29 days. When I offered to do the work within 30 days, I did not realise the magnitude of the work," Verma told a press conference after submitting his voluminous report to the home ministry on Wednesday.

Click here to read what Justice Verma has said in his path-breaking report on sexual offences.

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