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Rahul Gandhi holds 'chane pe charcha' in Amethi
April 22, 2016 09:39 IST

Countering Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘chai pe charcha’, Congressmen coined the new ‘chane pe charcha’ in Amethi as party vice president Rahul Gandhi interacted with party workers over ‘laiyya-chana’ - a staple snack in this part of Uttar Pradesh.

Gandhi, who arrived in his parliamentary constituency late on Wednesday, interacted with party workers on Thursday and visited the homes of some party loyalists to express his condolences on death of their near and dear ones.

Later in the day, Gandhi visited the district party office and held parleys with them on various issues and local problems. It was after a gap of two years that such a meeting was held in the district, a leader said. The last time a meeting of this sort took place was after the 2014 Lok Sabha debacle.

Gandhi also announced that the party would allot tickets at least six months before the assembly elections.

Image: Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi at a farmer's house in Amethi. Photograph: @OfficeofRG/Twitter

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