The Punjab police on Monday said it has invoked the stringent National Security Act (NSA) against five people linked to radical preacher Amritpal Singh's 'Waris Punjab De'.
Addressing the media in Chandigarh, Punjab Inspector General of Police (Headquarters) Sukhchain Singh Gill further said the preacher was on the run and efforts were on to nab him.
He said six FIRs have so far been registered and 114 people arrested in the crackdown against elements of the Waris Punjab De outfit.
Gill also said that the police suspect an "ISI angle" and foreign funding in the matter.
The NSA has been invoked against five people linked to the outfit, he said in response to a question.
The stringent law has been invoked against four detenues -- Daljit Singh Kalsi, Bhagwant Singh, Gurmeet Singh and ‘Pradhanmantri' Bajeke -- who have been shifted to the Dibrugarh Central Jail in Assam.
He further said that the NSA has also been invoked against Harjit Singh, who surrendered on Saturday night in Jalandhar.
Harjit Singh, the uncle of Amritpal Singh, will also be taken to Dibrugarh Central Jail, the police said.
In the wake of the action against the radical preacher, Gill said the police were taking out flag marches in the state and peace committee meetings were being held in all districts. There is complete peace in Punjab, he added.
The official also urged the people not to lend ears to rumours and fake news, saying strict action will be taken against those found involved in the same.
The police on Saturday launched a major crackdown against Amritpal and members of his outfit 'Waris Punjab De'.
The elusive preacher, however, gave police the slip and escaped their dragnet when his cavalcade was intercepted in Jalandhar district.
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