The move to set up a development board for Bundelkhand region allegedly without taking Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh governments into confidence paralysed proceedings in Parliament on Monday. The Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha were adjourned within minutes as the Bahujan Samaj Party and Bharatiya Janata Party members were on their feet demanding that the Bundelkhand issue be taken up straight away suspending the Question Hour.
In the uproar in Lok Sabha, Samajwadi Party leader Mulayam Singh Yadav was heard raising the issue of supply of gas for the Dadri Power project in Uttar Pradesh with Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal seeking to pacify him saying a statement would be made during the day. The move to set up Bundelkhand
Development Authority without consulting the state governments smacks of imperialism, BJP deputy leader in the Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj said.
Members of BSP and Congress were also on their feet but their voices were drowned in the din. As the uproar continued for a while, Speaker Meira Kumar adjourned the House till noon. In the Rajya Sabha, after the obituary references were made, BSP members were up on their feet on the same issue. They were supported by the Left and the BJP and in the din nothing could be heard. Chairman Hamid Ansari pleaded for Question Hour to be taken up but his pleas went unheeded. "I am afraid, all this is against the rules. Members themselves are breaking the rules," he remarked. "I have no option but to adjourn the House till 1200 hours."