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Media wrap: Did you know Osama had a will?

May 04, 2011 11:55 IST

By now you would have read all about the United States Navy SEALs operation in which Osama bin Laden was killed on Sunday night.

As more details slowly emerge, here's a round up of all the latest that is known about the operation:

Osama's will!

Did you know Osama in his will says his children must not join Al Qaeda?!

And that his wives must not remarry. Hmm...

The phone call that trapped Osama:

'When one of Osama bin Laden's most trusted aides picked up the phone last year, he unknowingly led US pursuers to the doorstep of his boss, the world's most wanted terrorist.'

More on this story here.

The timing:

Hot off the press, Nitin Pai, the editor of Pragati, who always has an interesting view on things, explains the timing of the kill.

'Keeping Osama bin Laden out of Washington's hands was vital in order to prevent having to publicly deal with revelations of how the Pakistani military-jihadi complex not only was connected with al-Qaeda, but might also have been involved in the conspiracy behind the 9/11 attacks,' he says.

So what made them give away Osama now?

First, the Kerry-Lugar-Berman legislation made it harder for the military to capture the funds. It also came with more strings attached. Second, the Obama administration increased the number of drone strikes against targets in Pakistan, while increasing pressure on the Pakistani army to go after the Taliban groups in its tribal areas. Finally, by indicating a timeline for withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, Washington triggered the endgame.

On scene:

And if you are wondering what kind of place Abbotabad is today, here's an on scene story from Time magazine.

'A Der Spiegel journalist who managed to forge his way through was arrested for one hour, his camera confiscated, and the images of the notorious compound wiped.'

Pakistan dilemma:

Ever since the news of Osama's death broke, most of the attention has quickly moved to Pakistan.

'In the United States, Obama's announcement has been met with a flood of questions about the location of bin Laden's hideout -- it was near a military academy and an army cantonment -- and what it means about the Pakistani military's relationship with bin Laden. Proximity, of course, does not establish a direct association. But if evidence does surface that Pakistani authorities were complicit in creating the hideout, then all bets are off. The US-Pakistani friendship is in serious trouble.'

The Atlantic Council has more on it.

Social media:

And if social media is your scene, here is a neat story on NPR on how the news of Osama's death spread on Twitter.

The Englishman who met Osama, thrice!

When it comes to the Middle East there is no bigger authority than Robert Fisk. Was Osama betrayed, Fisk asks, and goes on to provide the answer: 'Of course, he was!'

What next for Afghanistan:

While everyone is focussing on the implication for Pakistan, What next for Afghanistan, asks Al Jazeera.

The war monster called America.

Finally, here's the New York Times's complete coverage on OBL.

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