Indian Space Research Organisation Dr Radhakrishnan, who has been accused of waging a "personal battle" against him by former ISRO chairman Madhavan Nair, refuted the latter's claims in Bengaluru on Monday.
Nair and three other scientists have been barred from holding any government posts because of their alleged role in the Antrix-Devas deal, in which the private firm was allotted scarce S band spectrum by ISRO by allegedly violating rules.
On Sunday, ISRO had made portions of a five-member report public, stating that there have not only been serious administrative and procedural lapses but also suggestion of collusive behaviour on the part of certain individuals, hence action has to be taken.
The high-level team was set up to examine the deal and identify the acts of omission and commission by government officials.
After the report was been made public, Nair had lashed out at the ISRO chairman and claimed that Dr Radhakrishnan was waging a personal battle against him.
Reacting to Nair's claims, the ISRO chief said that he did not wish to comment any further.
"Whatever we had to say, we have said in the report. The report is on the ISRO website and I have nothing more to say. Let me assure you that there is nothing personal in this entire issue," Dr Radhakrishnan said.
All this seems fishy: G Madhavan Nair
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