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Narayana Murthy condemns Dubey's murder
December 09, 2003

Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor of Infosys Technologies Narayana N R Murthy, an IIT alumni, has issued a statement regarding Satyendra Dubey's murder:

"This heinous act on an honest individual who was fighting corruption deserves strong condemnation. Every public figure must condemn this act.

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I urge the Prime Minister to suspend the contract with the contractor involved, hold an investigation on top priority, and swiftly punish the guilty with the toughest possible punishment. We need a good whistle blower policy in the country.

Let this be the last such tragedy in India.

I would also like the Prime Minister to speak to the innocent victim's family to convey the nation's deep sorrow, and provide all help to them.

On our ((IIT alumni) part, I suggest that we start a fund for Dubey's family. We should also resolve to fight corruption with urgency."

Narayana Murthy
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