A local court on Tuesday extended the judicial custody of two terror suspects Abdul Latif Rashid and Riyaz Ali Imtiaz till April 27. The duo was arrested by the Anti-Terrorism Squad on March 13 for allegedly planning to carry out terror attacks in the metropolis.
They had allegedly conducted recce of three targets--headquarters of public sector petroleum company ONGC, Thakkar Mall in suburban Mumbai and Mangaldas Market in south Mumbai. According to the ATS, they were in touch with a person in Pakistan addressed 'Uncle', who is suspected to be Abdul Bashir Khan, an absconding accused in the 1993 serial bomb blasts and a close aide of prime conspirator of the blasts, Tiger Memon.
They were directed by the 'Uncle' to recruit young boys and arrange their escape to Pakistan for training and carrying out terror attacks in India. The suspects are likely to seek bail on the grounds that their custody is not required further. "There has been no progress in the investigation and hence their custody is not necessary," their lawyer Ramdayal Chavan said.
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