A day after a controversy erupted over the de-recognition of a students group in Indian Institute of Technology-Madras for being critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar launched a scathing attack, saying the PM was trying to murder democracy.
“Modi loktantra ka gala ghont rahein hai (Modi is trying to murder democracy), Nitish Kumar told a group of newspersons.
“What happended in IIT Madras was an attack on freedom of expression and speech for the sake of Modi,” the Bihar CM added.
He said that freedom of speech and freedom expression is a must for a healthy democracy. “I strongly favour freedom of expression; it should be promoted instead of being curtailed,” Nitish Kumar said.
Nitish Kumar further said that Modi government attempt to impose the controversial land acquisition bill on farmers through an ordinance would prove costly.
Kumar said that never before any bill was opposed in a way that the land bill was being opposed. “The common man to political parties, except the Bharatiya Janata Party and its allies, are opposed to the bill and demanding for its withdrawal. Such opposition has never been seen before,” he said.
He said that his party Janata Dal-United like other parties have been opposing the bill, which will snatch land from farmers for corporate houses.
“For Prime Minister Modi, farmers’ interest hardly matter. What matters for him is corporates’ interest,” Nitish Kumar said.
Kumar also targeted dozens of union ministers, who visited Bihar from May 26 to 29,by saying that they were only addressing press conferences and doing nothing. “Union ministers are like para-troopers, who have no work, except to address press conferences in hotels here and there.”