A five-year-old boy was injured in a minor blast at Pimpri near Pune on Friday, apparently caused by a short circuit, triggering panic in the city which was rocked by multiple explosion on August 1.
The blast occurred on the staircase of Laxmi Tara residential building in Dange Chowk. Though the exact cause is being investigated, police suspect it could have been caused by sparks in electrical wires, pieces of which were found at the spot.
"It was a small explosion. There was a high tension wire going through the area which apparently short-circuited," Joint Commissioner of Police S K Singhal said.
He ruled out any 'terrorist or sabotage angle' and stressed that 'there is no need to panic'.
The boy, Piyush Walunje, has been admitted to a local hospital with minor burn injuries, police said. Bomb disposal squad of Pimpri police rushed to the spot to investigate nature of the explosion.
Singhal said police were investigating the case and the authorities were already on high alert in the city. Pune was rocked by serial bomb blasts on August 1 that had injured one person.
Asking people not to believe in rumours, Singhal said that they should immediate seek clarification from police control room in case of any doubt.
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