As the crisis in the Karnataka's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party between the factions led by Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa and the other spearheaded by the Bellary mining tycoons cum state ministers G Janardhana Reddy and G Karunakara Reddy -- shows no sign of abating, Yeddyurappa is scheduled to meet Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha LK Advani and other senior party leaders in New Delhi on Wednesday.
On Thursday, Yeddyurappa has also sought appointments with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Defence Minister A K Antony.
Yeddyurappa is likely to convey to Mukherjee the "diabolical attitude" of the Congress in "plotting to topple his government."
Yeddyurappa also has plans "to split the Congress" in case he survives the present crisis, senior BJP sources revealed in New Delhi.
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