Kerala's Director General of Police Jacob Punnose has said that he is not sure whether the two accused Om Prakash and Puthenpalam Rajesh, who surrendered before a court in Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu on Tuesday, were directly involved in the murder of Paul George Muthoot, scion of the Muthhot group.
The DGP said that the investigating officers would interrogate both accused when they were brought to Kerala. He said that the police would not divulge details which could hamper investigations. Punoose also said that the police would file an application before the court asking for both the accused to be handed over to the state police for further investigation in the case.
Meanwhile Vilasini, the mother of prime accused Kari Satheesan, has filed an appeal before the Kerala high court seeking a Central Bureau of Investigation inquiry into the case. While rejecting the petition, the court directed the police to take a proper stand in the investigation.
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