Aam Aadmi Party supremo Arvind Kejriwal on Monday announced that his party would launch a 'Pujari Granthi Samman Yojana' if it gets re-elected in Delhi, promising a monthly allowance of Rs 18,000 for Hindu temple priests and granthis of gurdwaras.
The announcement comes ahead of the Delhi assembly elections, with the AAP seeking to retain power for a fourth consecutive term.
"Pujaris and granthis are an important part of our society, but they are often a neglected section. For the first time in the country, we are introducing a scheme to support them, under which they will receive a monthly allowance of Rs 18,000," Kejriwal said, adding, registration for the scheme will start tomorrow.
He also said he would visit the Hanuman Mandir in Connaught Place on Tuesday to oversee the registration process for priests there.
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