"Rescue teams of army on the third day of a gruelling search operation managed to recover the mortal remains of sepoy Vijay Kumar K from under 12 feet of snow," a defence spokesman said in Srinagar.
He said the search operation continued for three days despite adverse weather conditions and up to 15 feet of snow in the area of avalanche.
Rescue dogs, deep penetration radars and metal detectors were also pressed into service, he said.
"Vijay, who belongs to Vallaramapuram village of Thirunelvelli District of Tamil Nadu, is survived by his parents and two younger sisters.
"Army is in the process of evacuating his mortal remains from the area after which it will be moved to his native place where the cremation ceremony will take place with full military honours," the spokesman said.
Sepoy Sujit, the soldier who was rescued on the first day itself, is medically stable and recovering well, he said.
Lt Gen D S Hooda, Army Commander Northern Command, has expressed his deep condolence to the family of Vijay Kumar K, the spokesman said.
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