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British female jihadists running brothels for ISIS
Source: ANI
September 11, 2014 11:53 IST

British female jihadists are running brothels for Islamic State militants in the Raqqa province of Syria and forcing kidnapped Yazidi women into sex slavery. 

As many as 3,000 women and girls have been taken captive from the Yazidi tribe in Iraq as Islamic State militants continue their reign of terror across the region.

Sources now say that the British female jihadis operating a religious police force called the al-Khanssaa brigade, that punishes women for ‘un-Islamic’ behaviour, have set up brothels to for the use of IS fighters. 

According to sources, “These women are using barbaric interpretations of the Islamic faith to justify their actions.”

The think tank the Middle East Media Research Institution released a report saying that IS had taken many Yazidi women to be sold and used as sex slaves.

Source: ANI
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