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'4 men, a dog and a tent are no military threat'
By Aziz Haniffa/
October 08, 2014


What does Shiv Shankar Menon, one of India's most brilliant diplomats and the former National Security Advisor, think of the Modi visit to the US, the Chinese stand-off in Ladakh and the situation on the LoC?

Aziz Haniffa/ listens in.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets fans outside the Indian embassy in Washington, DC. Photograph: MEA/Flickr


When asked about Pakistan, Menon said it was indeed a depressing situation. "It's a sad thing that every time there's a leader in Pakistan who makes it clear that he wants improved ties, there's trouble either on the Line of Control or international terrorist incidents."

"I find that it very sad, because it actually prevents the region, Pakistan, us, from really using the potential that is there."

Image: Indian soldiers along the Line of Control. Photograph: Rajesh Karkera/

Shiv Shankar Menon, then prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh's national security adviser, made these comments at the Brookings Institution along with the Washington, DC think-tank's President Strobe Talbott.

Recalling his years in Pakistan, Menon added that improved ties with India were a popular sentiment amongst the public, but there were strong institutional and other interests against it, which lead to this situation.

Talbott, jumped in and added, "In the case of Pakistan there is almost a structural tension between the elected political leadership and the military and the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence. There's a constant tug-of-war going on."

"Nawaz Sharif, of course, has lived through the perils of that relationship after the Kargil crisis, which almost led to his execution," Talbott, the former US deputy secretary of state during the Kargil conflict, recalled.

During the interaction, Modi's meeting with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu, left, in New York was also discussed. When Martin Indyk, a former US ambassador to Israel, asked about Modi's meeting and the silence on the Gaza war, Menon said Palestine hasn't completely vanished from the Indian radar.

However, he acknowledged, "It is clear that we have a government in India, which wants to move the relationship with Israel forward considerably."

"The party in power has traditionally looked at that relationship much more positively," Menon noted, and declared, "Today, that is a very popular relationship in India."

"Today, as a result of what we've done together, not just since we opened embassies in 1993, but actually since the foundation of the State of Israel, we've actually worked together on issues -- whether it is defence issues, or intelligence and counter-terrorism."

"I wouldn't say that people have forgotten the Palestinian issue -- that this is not an issue anymore," Menon further added. "That to me, is a bridge too far at present. I don't think silence (that Gaza didn't figure at the Modi-Netanyahu meeting) is enough."

He also said it was interesting that "there was another phase after the meeting of Prime Minister Netanyahu (and Modi), speaking at length on Iran, which gives you an idea of the complexity of the relationship, what we are dealing with here."

"The wonderful part of the relationship in my experience," Menon noted, "is that we are able to talk on all these issues openly -- lay them out on the table."

And, then he quipped to laughter from the audience that "Maybe, it is something that both countries share -- this love of talking."

Also read: 'America has got Modi's friendship'

Aziz Haniffa/ in Washington, DC
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