One of my most vivid memories of Delhi forty years ago is of a neighbourhood quarrel. Two ladies were squabbling, the volume increasing with the intensity of the argument, and one of them said, "You can't treat us like that! We are educated people!" Those last four words were ones that I would hear quite often. (Curiously, it seemed to be mandatory to speak them in English even if the rest of the dialogue was in Hindi.)
I had spent my formative years in a small village in Kerala. Even Ernakulam, which was the nearest large town was a fairly sleepy place at the time. But I think we Keralites led the way for the rest of India when it came to education, and my own generation was blessed with some fantastic teachers. (The principal of my village high school, our revered and beloved Abraham-master, was so fine a man that he would rise to become governor of Andhra Pradesh several decades later.)
But however seriously we took our schooling -- and believe me we took it extremely seriously -- I don't think we ever boasted about being "educated people" as those Delhiites did. Education, truly good education, was so freely available that there was no excuse for anyone not to take advantage of it, so being 'educated people' was nothing out of the common.
Kerala's literacy rate has risen since my own schooldays. I cannot help wondering, however, if we have not started to confuse mere 'literacy' with true 'education.' Mahatma Gandhi once wrote something to the effect that reading and writing, while undoubtedly essential, were not ends in themselves, the ultimate goal of education being to build up character. Which is why, when I look at my home state today, I wonder what has gone wrong.
I was shocked when the Election Commission released some statistics after the 1999 general election. Bihar, as one might expect, had reported the largest number of incidents of poll violence. (This was before Jharkhand was spun off as a separate state.) But Kerala was second in the list of infamy. The unhappy trend has shown no signs of diminishing in the five years since as a cursory reading of the headlines demonstrates.
Muslim League workers assaulted reporters at Kozhikode airport. In Thiruvananthapuram, RSP sympathisers beat up journalists. It is only fair to say that it is not just the media which is at the receiving end, Kerala's politicians are equally happy to vent their anger on each