When quizzed about the first case lodged against Jundal in 2003 in which he allegedly stabbed and attempted to burn a woman, she said, "We do not know anything about it."
Asked about Jundal's alleged involvement in terrorism, Rehana said, "We want a proper investigation to be done." "Where would we have searched for him," was her terse reply when asked why did the family not try to trace him after he went missing following the 2006 Aurangabad arms haul in which a huge cache of AK 47 rifles and explosives were seized.
Pointing out the difference in the earlier and recent photographs of Jundal released in the media, Rehana said she could not believe that those were her son's photos.
Meanwhile, the police are keeping a strict vigil outside Jundal's house in Hatti Khana locality in Beed, Maharashtra.