According to Laxman Singh Rathore, Director General of the Indian Meteorological Department, the earthquake occurred in the Andaman Sea at a depth of 44 kms at 7.10 pm while its epicentre was 250 kms east of Port Blair.
The authorities ruled out the possibility of a tsunami but said the change in the water level was being closely monitored.
This is the second earthquake in less than two days the region has experienced. On July 29, a moderate intensity quake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale had hit off the coast of North Andaman island.
The Indian Ocean and the Andaman Sea are prone to earthquakes and often records tremors.
Meanwhile, another earthquake with an intensity measuring 4.7 on the Richter scale hit the Andaman sea at 11:03 pm, the MeT department said.
Image: An Indian Navy boat patrols in the waters of the Andaman Sea near Port Blair
Photo: Danish Siddique/Reuters