Qatar-based interior designer Marte Deborah Dalelv was on a business trip to Dubai in March when she alleged she was raped by a colleague at the hotel where she was staying.
She reported the attack to police, but found herself detained and charged with having unlawful sex, making a false statement and illegal consumption of alcohol. Her passport was confiscated and her money seized by the police. A court last week sentenced Dalelv to 16 months in prison. Her alleged attacker received a 13-month sentence for extra-marital sex and alcohol consumption. Amid a global outcry from rights groups demanding her release, Dubai's ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum pardoned Dalelv.
Norway's Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide confirmed the news by tweeting, "Marte is released! Thanks to everyone who signed up to help." Dalelv has been staying at the Norwegian Seamen's Church in Dubai since March.
Norwegian authorities had agreed to pay for legal fees after she spent 55,000 Norwegian kronor (7,000 euros) on legal assistance, she said to local media, adding that her passport had been returned and she would leave the Gulf state "as soon as possible".