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Delhi metro may be hit by fidayeen strikes, warns IB
By Vicky Nanjappa
January 06, 2014

Delhi metro has been put on high alert following an Intelligence Bureau warning of possible terror strikes. The alert, which has been shared with the Delhi police, suggests that Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Jhangvi will carry out the strikes.

The alert further states that six Pakistan-based terrorists who have infiltrated into Kashmir are looking to carry out the fidayeen strike at the Delhi metro. The alert has been classified as “very high” and the Delhi police have been ordered to maintain a tight vigil and screen passengers.

The alert comes at an interesting time when the new government in Delhi has refused a security cover.

The Delhi police, meanwhile, have stepped up security in the border areas as well as the metro stations in the city. They are also questioning several terror operatives arrested in the past couple months for further details on this Delhi metro plot.

Photograph: B Mathur/Reuters

Vicky Nanjappa
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