The CBI officials were reacting to a recent statement made by Congress General Secretary Digvijay Singh that Kalmadi was innocent and would be out on bail soon. "No court will grant him bail," said a CBI officer.
Digvijay Singh's statement came as a shocker ever to officials of the Indian Olympic Association. "If Kalmadi is innocent then who is guilty," asked one of the top ranking officials of the association.
"Kalmadi had everything under his command and paid no heed to the suggestions made by other OC members. He along with Lalit Bhanot, sacked general secretary of the OC, was running the show. They took even the Prime Minister's Office for ride by asking for contingency funds," he said.
Lalit Bhanot's efforts to seek a bail were rejected by the CBI trail court looking into Commonwealth Games scam on July 5.
CWG scam: Kalmadi arrested by CBI, suspended by Congress
CWG scam: Kalmadi tarnished country's image, says CBI
A day in the life of Kalmadi in Tihar Jail
INSIDE TIHAR: Rasam for Kani, chai for Kalmadi
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