Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara on Wednesday said the police are pursuing vital clues and getting close to cracking the March one Rameshwaram Café low-intensity blast incident.
The police got some vital clues in the past two days, which were promising, he told reporters in Bengaluru.
“Our officers are getting close (to crack the case). Some vital information was received yesterday and day-before-yesterday, which we have taken very seriously. If we proceed this way then we will complete the investigation,” Parameshwara said.
No arrests have been made in connection with the case.
Based on suspicion, some people were summoned by police, who gathered "information" from them, the Minister said.
Paramameshwara said the National Investigation Agency (NIA) was supposed to take over the case on Tuesday but "they have not arrived yet".
Ten people were injured in the blast at the popular eatery at Brookefield area near Whitefield in Bengaluru.
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