And why all have read about the plight of the common man waiting for hours, what about those who work at the banks?
A post in Humans of Bombay’s Facebook page from a manager of a bank will give you an insight of what the bankers are going through and will urge you to cooperate with them.
“We’re receiving black money that had been stashed away for years possibly and all this cash smells like rotten leather to the point where every one of our branches has ordered masks for the cashiers – that’s how unbearable the stench became!” reads the post.
She also shared the fact that she has been at the receiving end of some unpleasantness from people who have been forced to declare their black money.
“Threats have also come. We get calls from people who are politically endowed and threaten to ‘send media to expose us’ or to ‘create a scene’ if we don't move money.”
See the full post BELOW