The Bengaluru police, which had sent a special team to New Delhi to interrogate the accused 'Indian Mujahideen operatives' arrested by the Delhi police, said that during their probe the accused persons had revealed the above mentioned reason.
The Bengaluru police have zeroed in on two persons arrested by the Delhi police -- Mohammad Qateel from Darbanga, Bihar and Ghayur Ahmed Jamali from Madhubhani, Bihar.
It has been found that the duo had come down to Tumkur in Karnataka where they prepared the bomb. In April, 2010, the duo left for the Chinnaswamy stadium before the match between Bangalore Royal Challengers and Mumbai Indians commenced and planted the bomb.
The accused persons are said to have told the cops that the Indian Mujahideen, the outfit that they belong to, were upset with the fact that Pakistani cricketers were omitted from the tournament.
The Bengaluru police also informed that the body warrants of the two persons have been obtained and they would be brought down to the city for further investigation.
The Delhi police, meanwhile, continued interrogating the rest of the persons whom they had arrested in connection with the various other blasts that have rocked the country.
As of now the leads into the stadium blasts are the clearest while there is still some time to go before they could crack the 13/7 triple blasts in Mumbai and the Jama Masjid firing case.
Image: Forensic experts inspect the site of a bomb blast outside the Chinnaswamy cricket stadium in Bengaluru on April 17, 2010.
Photograph: Reuters
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