The Tamil Nadu Bharatiya Janata Party took a jibe at Chief Minister and Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam leader M K Stalin on Friday by extending birthday wishes in Mandarin amid the ongoing 'Chinese flag' newspaper advertisement controversy.
In a post that said 'happy birthday in his (CM Stalin's) 'favourite' language', the BJP posted a picture message with wishes written in Mandarin along with the Chief Minister's photo.
'On behalf of BJP Tamil Nadu, here's wishing our CM MK Stalin avargal a happy birthday in his favourite language! May he live a long & healthy life!' the post on X said.
Controversy erupted on February 28 after a newspaper advertisement of the DMK government allegedly showcased a 'China flag' among rockets from other countries in the background.
The advertisement promoted the laying of the foundation stone for Indian Space Research Organisation's second launch pad complex in Kulsekarapatinam.
This invited criticism from Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was on his two-day visit to the state earlier this week.
He called out the ruling party in the state while he was addressing a gathering in Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli.
However, DMK MP K Kanimozhi defended the advertisement, saying, "I don't think India has declared China an enemy country."
"I don't know from where the person who did the artwork found this picture," Kanimozhi said.
"I don't think India has declared China an enemy country. I have seen that the Prime Minister has invited the Chinese PM and they have gone to Mahabalipuram. Just because you do not want to accept the truth, you are finding reasons to divert the issue," she said.
Meanwhile, DMK leader and Fisheries Minister Anitha Radhakrishnan accepted the mistake on Thursday after the Tamil Nadu government was left red-faced after an advertisement for a new Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) that featured a rocket with the flag of China.
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