Minister of State for External Affairs Preneet Kaur, who was at New Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport when the body of Ranjodh Singh was brought back to the country, said something positive is expected from the investigations and issued a second advisory to Indian students discouraging them from going to Australia for studies.
"In a manner of speaking, this has been addressed as the advisory that we have put out to the Indians is to be careful and not to go for the moment to Australia for further studies," said Kaur.
Kaur further said, "We are hopeful that something will come out from the investigations that are taking place on the attacks on Indians in Australia."
Kaur had, on Thursday, said: "We have learnt with dismay today, of fresh incidents of violence against Indians residing in Australia, with the latest reports coming from Brisbane where four Indians, including three taxi drivers were attacked in two separate incidents on Thursday."
The body of 25-year-old Ranjodh Singh was brought in a Thai Airways flight from Bangkok and was received at the Delhi airport by his younger brother Satnam Singh and the other family members.
As reported, the mortal remains of Ranjodh Singh would be taken to his native place Nabha in Punjab for performance of last rites.Don't come to Australia, Indian victim tells fellow students
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