The Bharatiya Janata Party on Wednesday, rejected the newly-formed expert group on Telangana "lock, stock and barrel",
saying that it was a delaying tactic and a futile exercise as no time-frame or terms of reference had been spelt out for the
committee by the government.
"The BJP rejects lock, stock and barrel the committee set up by the Central government for consultation on the situation in
Andhra Pradesh. It will serve no purpose as there is no clear reference for creation of Telangana. Neither any time-frame is
laid, nor terms of reference spelt out," BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar said. He accused the government of forming this committee as a "delaying tactic" which would be "a futile exercise".
Javadekar described the expert group as an "eyewash" that would add "insult to injured sentiments" of the Telangana people. "This is essentially a political issue, which requires a firm political decision and action by the Central government,"
he said. The BJP has also questioned the appointment of a retired judge as head of this expert group as no legal issue was
involved here.
The main opposition has raised eyebrows about the stand of the Congress and TDP on Telangana and asked them to clarify
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