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Advani attacks PM, says his government is paralysed
Source: PTI
November 01, 2011 16:32 IST

Intensifying his attack on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, BJP leader L K Advani on Tuesday alleged that the central government lies paralysed and is unable to take any decision because of corruption.

"Because of corruption, the central government has become paralysed, has become dysfunctional and is unable to take any decision," he said.

Addressing a rally on the 22nd day of his yatra against corruption, Advani launched a broadside against the Prime Minister for saying at the Governors conference on Sunday that time has now come to act against corruption.

"Time has come now. Time came several years ago when, under your leadership, one after the other scam was committed. Time has come now…," he said referring to the PM.

The BJP leader said that if there was any issue, which was discussed most in every part of the country, it was corruption.

"Will people tolerate this kind of corruption....People in the country were sad, unhappy and disturbed due to corruption," he said.

He dispelled as "misconceived" allegations that India was a corrupt country in the wake of the scams.

"The leaders in New Delhi may be corrupt, the government may be corrupt. India is not a corrupt nation. By and large, the people of India are honest, hard working people who earn their own money properly," Advani said.

Advani accused the Prime Minister of not taking any step to get back black money "amounting to Rs 25 lakh crore" stashed away in foreign banks, including Swiss banks, despite promises made to this effect during the 2009 parliamentary polls.

He made a reference to Swiss Parliament, which after "pressure" from various developed nations had passed a new law earlier this year, known as the 'Restitution of Illicit Assets Act', for return of illicit money of nations but said India had not benefited from it.

"While America, Germany and some small African nations have taken their dirty money back from Swiss banks following this Act, India has not it taken up yet...Why?," he asked.

Advani said, "In the coming Winter session of Parliament, we will ask the government as to what benefit has the government derived out of this international law. How much money has come back yet?"

The BJP leader claimed that black money "is enormous. It is a big treasure. If it returns, the shape of India will change."

Advani demanded publication of all names whose illicit money was stashed away abroad.

"We would like these names to be announced. Let the world know who these people are, who have taken their money to foreign banks," he said.

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