In a special series, looks at India through the lives of her...
As a child, Sufal Das used to dream of becoming a dhaki. But a life full of...
Mohammed Taufiq has been a waiter at Kolkata's famous Coffee House for 36...
Tapeshwar Ram, has hand-pulled a rickshaw on the streets of Kolkata for 30...
Natesan Kathiresan, a village painter, who loves the colour of sandalwood,...
Reema Kaur is one of the students on strike for nearly three months at the...
Brijesh Kumar Saroj, the son of a poor weaver, overcame every hardship, to...
Nanak Chand Sharma did not lose his nerve when terrorists attacked his bus...
Kamlesh R Prajapati, a Victoria horse carriage driver, is anguished about...
Captain Indu Nair, joined a private airline after her tenure as a pilot in...
Muthayya Fernandes, a fisherman from Rameswaram, was imprisoned in Sri Lanka...
Sudhir Kumar Chaudhary, a one-of-a-kind cricket fan, who worships Sachin...
Kalpana Ghodawat, a brave acid attack survivor, runs a beauty parlour. She...
Lalit Sathyarthi, an aspiring actor, left his home in Agra to follow his...
In our special series on A Day in the Life of India, Ashok Kumar Mondol, a...
In an Independence Day Special series, celebrates India through...